The Mummy MOT
Appointments AVAILABLE In person & Online
A Mummy MOT is a specialist postnatal examination for women following both vaginal and caesarean deliveries. It will assess how your posture, pelvic floor muscles and stomach muscles are recovering after birth. And if they’re not, then we can provide you with exercises and treatment to help in your recovery and to return to exercise safely.
A huge amount can be gained by receiving the right advice, at the right time. You will complete a thorough screening for potential post-natal issues, and a consultation with a Mummy MOT Physiotherapist in which you will be taught how to perform exercises to improve your body's function, reduce pain and reconnect to the core and pelvic floor. You will be shown how to self-treat your abdominal muscles to improve Diastasis (Abdominal muscle separation), how to massage and work your C-section scar to prevent adhesions and improve healing. You will be taught how to perform pelvic floor exercises correctly and in detail. If necessary you will also be signposted to other services if there are any areas of concern.
Each appointment will be followed up with a written report and links to exercise and self-treatment videos.
For more information & FAQs please visit